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Our factory trained and HACCP Certified service technician will complete a pull test validation on all magnets in your facility utilizing NIST traceable equipment. We will then provide a detailed report for your quality assurance team compliant with Safe Quality Food (SQF) and Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) standards. 


Onsite can also provide the following:


  • Sales of new magnetic separators. All brands including; Eriez, IMI (Industrial Magnetics), Bunting, & many more.  


  • Product testing & training for the use and safe handling of Magnet Separators in your facility. 


  • Consultation for adding, moving or changing current magnets to offer better separation for a more efficient approach to your processes.

HACCP Certified
Magnet pull testing, magnet audit, magnet certification
Magnet gauss testing

Magnet Pull Test

Magnet Gauss Test

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